This module provides methods for creating multilayer_obj and layer_obj instances. These classes are used for describing layered thin film samples with several or multiple layers.
The instances of multilayer_obj are used for the calculation of High Resolution X-ray Diffraction, Neutron and X-ray Specular Reflectivity, and Polarized Neutron Reflectivity.
- escape.scattering.layer.layer(name, material, thkn=10, rough=1, bydensity=False, mdb_obj mdb=default_mdb)¶
Returns a layer object.
- Parameters:
- name: string
Layer name
- material: material_obj or string
Material object or material name from the material database
- thkn: parameter_obj or value
Layer thickness
- rough: roughness_obj or value
RMS roughness
- bydensity: bool
If True, the material is specified by density, otherwise by SLD.
- mdb: mdb_obj
The material database mdb object.
- Returns:
object of type ‘layer_obj’
- escape.scattering.layer.magnetic_layer(name, material, b_phi, b_theta, thkn, rough, bydensity=False, mdb_obj mdb=default_mdb)¶
Returns magnetic layer object. The magnetization angles \(\phi\) and \(\theta\) define the magnetization components in the sample coordinate system as following
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}M_x = cos(\phi) sin(\theta)\\ M_y = sin(\phi)\\ M_z = cos(\phi) cos(\theta)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]The sample coordinate system is right-handed with X-axis directed towards the detector and Z-axis being normal to the sample plane. The magnetization angles \(\phi\) and \(\theta\) are chosen for the samples installed vertically, i.e. when the external magnetic field is directed along the sample Y-axis.
- Parameters:
- name: string
Layer name
- material: material_obj
Material instance.
- b_phi: parameter_obj or value
\(\phi\) angle in degrees between layer magnetization and XZ plane
- b_theta: parameter_obj or value
\(\theta\) angle in degrees between projection of layer magnetization on XZ plane and Z-axis
- thkn: parameter_obj or value
Layer thickness
- rough: roughness_obj or value
RMS roughness
- bydensity: bool
If True, the material is specified by density, otherwise by SLD.
- mdb: mdb_obj
The material database mdb object.
- Returns:
object of type ‘layer_obj’
- escape.scattering.layer.substrate(name, material, rough, bydensity=False, mdb_obj mdb=default_mdb)¶
Returns a substrate instance.
- Parameters:
- name: string
Layer name
- material: material_obj
Material description
- rough: roughness_obj or value
RMS roughness
- bydensity: bool
If True, the material is specified by density, otherwise by SLD.
- mdb: mdb_obj
The material database mdb object.
- Returns:
object of type layer_obj
- escape.scattering.layer.magnetic_substrate(name, material, b_phi, b_theta, rough, bydensity=False, mdb_obj mdb=default_mdb)¶
Returns a magnetic substrate object. The magnetization angles \(\phi\) and \(\theta\) define the magnetization components in the sample coordinate system as following
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}M_x = cos(\phi) sin(\theta)\\ M_y = sin(\phi)\\ M_z = cos(\phi) cos(\theta)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]The sample coordinate system is right-handed with X-axis directed towards the detector and Z-axis being normal to the sample plane. The magnetization angles \(\phi\) and \(\theta\) are chosen for the samples installed vertically, i.e. when the external magnetic field is directed along the sample Y-axis.
- Parameters:
- name: string
Layer name
- material: material_obj
Material description
- b_phi: parameter_obj or value
\(\phi\) angle in degrees between layer magnetization and XZ plane
- b_theta: parameter_obj or value
\(\theta\) angle in degrees between projection of layer magnetization on XZ plane and Z-axis
- rough: roughness_obj or value
RMS roughness
- bydensity: bool
If True, the material is specified by density, otherwise by SLD.
- mdb: mdb_obj
The material database mdb object.
- Returns:
object of type layer_obj
- escape.scattering.layer.env(name, material, bydensity=False, mdb_obj mdb=default_mdb)¶
Returns a foreground, i.e. environment.
- Parameters:
- name: string
Layer name
- material: material_obj
Material description
- bydensity: bool
If True, the material is specified by density, otherwise by SLD.
- mdb: mdb_obj
The material database mdb object.
- Returns:
object of type ‘layer_obj’
- escape.scattering.layer.air(name='Air')¶
Returns an air foreground.
- Returns:
object of type ‘layer_obj’
- escape.scattering.layer.layer_stack(name, formula=u'', repeat=1, bydensity=False, mdb_obj mdb=default_mdb, globals={})¶
Creates layerstack instance.
- Parameters:
- name: string
Layerstack name
- formula: string
Layerstack formula
- repeat: integer
repetition of layers in the stack
- bydensity: bool
If True, the material is specified by density, otherwise by SLD.
- mdb: mdb_obj
The material database mdb object.
- Returns:
object of type ‘layerstack_obj’
- escape.scattering.layer.multilayer(name, formula=u'', frgr=None, bkgr=None, bydensity=False, mdb_obj mdb=default_mdb, globals={})¶
Creates multilayer instance.
- Parameters:
- name: string
Multilayer name
- formula: string
Multilayer formula
- frgr: layer_obj
foreground, i.e. environment
- bkgr: layer_obj
background, i.e. substrate
- bydensity: bool
If True, the material is specified by density, otherwise by SLD.
- mdb: mdb_obj
The material database mdb object.
- Returns:
instance of ‘multilayer_obj’
- escape.scattering.layer.roughness(name, rms, lateral=None, hurst=None)¶
Returns instance of ‘roughness_obj’.
- Parameters:
- rms: parameter_obj or value
root-mean-square roughness
- lateral: parameter_obj or value
lateral correlation length of roughness
- hurst: parameter_obj or value
Hurst parameter
- Returns:
object of type ‘roughness_obj’
- class escape.scattering.layer.roughness_obj¶
roughness_obj is a container for surface roughness parameters.
- static convert(obj, name)¶
Converts the input object to a roughness object.
- Parameters:
- obj: roughness_obj or value
Roughness object or value
- name: string
Roughness name
- Returns:
roughness_obj: Roughness object instance.
- hurst¶
- Returns:
Hurst parameter value.
- lateral¶
- Returns:
Correlation length of lateral roughness.
- name¶
- Returns:
Object name.
- num_of_params¶
- Returns:
Number of parameters.
- parameter(self, size_t i)¶
Get parameter object with ordinal index i.
- Parameters:
i – Ordinal index of the parameter.
- Returns:
Parameter object.
- rms¶
- Returns:
Root-mean-square roughness parameter value.
- class escape.scattering.layer.layer_obj¶
‘layer_obj’ is a wrapper class for layers. It contains relevant parameters and material description for layer.
- material¶
Returns material instance.
- Returns:
material_obj instance
- name¶
Returns object name.
- Returns:
string value
- num_of_params¶
Returns number of parameters.
- Returns:
int value
- parameter(self, size_t i)¶
Returns parameter object with index i.
- Returns:
parameter_obj instance
- roughness¶
Returns roughness instance. :return:
roughness_obj instance
- thickness¶
Returns thickness value.
- Returns:
double value
- thkn¶
Returns thickness value.
- Returns:
double value
- class escape.scattering.layer.layerstack_obj¶
layerstack_obj is a wrapper class for layer stacks.
- add(self, layer_obj lay)¶
Appends layer to stack.
- Parameters:
- lay: layer_obj
layer object
- erase(self, size_t idx)¶
Erases layer with index ‘idx’ from stack.
- erase_all(self)¶
Erases all layers from stack.
- insert(self, size_t idx, layer_obj lay)¶
Inserts layer to stack.
- Parameters:
- idx: size_t
layer index to replace
- lay: layer_obj
new layer object
- min_thickness¶
- Returns:
Minimal thickness of stack.
- name¶
Returns object name.
- Returns:
string value
- num_of_params¶
Returns number of parameters.
- Returns:
int value
- parameter(self, size_t i)¶
Returns parameter object with index ‘i’.
- Returns:
parameter_obj instance
- set(self, size_t idx, layer_obj lay)¶
Replaces layer in stack.
- Parameters:
- idx: size_t
layer index to replace
- lay: layer_obj
new layer object
- total_thickness¶
Returns total thickness of stack.
- Returns:
double value
- class escape.scattering.layer.multilayer_obj¶
This class is used to describe layered samples. Layered samples can consist of layers or layer stacks. The topmost and bottommost layers are called the foreground (environment) and background (substrate), respectively, and are considered to have infinite thickness. Normally, the foreground layer has a zero scattering length density. If not, the wave-vector components of the incident wave will be corrected according to Snell’s law.
- add(self, obj)¶
Appends layer or layerstack
- Parameters:
- obj: layer_obj or layerstack_obj
layer or layerstack object
- erase(self, size_t idx)¶
Erases layer or layerstack
- Parameters:
- idx: size_t
layer index to replace
- erase_all(self)¶
Erases all layers
- Parameters:
- idx: size_t
layer index to replace
- insert(self, size_t idx, obj)¶
Inserts layer or layerstack
- Parameters:
- idx: size_t
layer index to replace
- obj: layer_obj or layerstack_obj
layer or layerstack object
- min_thickness¶
Return minimal thickness of multilayer
- Returns:
double value
- move_down(self, size_t idx)¶
Moves layer or layerstack down
- Parameters:
- idx: size_t
layer index to replace
- move_up(self, size_t idx)¶
Moves layer or layerstack up
- Parameters:
- idx: size_t
layer index to replace
- name¶
Returns object name.
- Returns:
string value
- num_of_params¶
Returns number of parameters.
- Returns:
int value
- parameter(self, size_t i)¶
Returns parameter object with index ‘i’.
- Parameters:
- i: size_t
parameter index
- Returns:
parameter_obj instance
- set(self, size_t idx, obj)¶
Replaces layer or layerstack
- Parameters:
- idx: size_t
layer index to replace
- obj: layer_obj or layerstack_obj
layer or layerstack object
- total_thickness¶
Return total thickness of multilayer
- Returns:
double value