
ESCAPE is a free for non-commercial usage python package and framework for creating applications for simulating and fitting of X-ray and neutron scattering data. The current version of software is closed-source and its installation packages are distributed under CC BY-NC-ND license.


Docker installation

If you are familiar with docker you can install ESCAPE with the following command.

docker run -p 8888:8888 -it escapeapp/escape-jupyterlab:0.9.6

All notebooks with examples will be downloaded and extracted to /home/notebooks folder inside the docker image. If you would like to keep notebooks on your local folder and use them later, use the following commands to create a volume inside the docker image mapping your current directory.


docker run -p 8888:8888 -it -v "%cd%":/home escapeapp/escape-jupyterlab:0.9.6


docker run -p 8888:8888 -it -v "$PWD":/home escapeapp/escape-jupyterlab:0.9.6

After running the docker command open localhost:8888 in the internet bowser. Use dev tag instead of release tag 0.9.6 in the command for the last development version.

ESCAPE Package

Choose and download the latest version of ESCAPE package. Choose an appropriate wheel file according to your operating system and installed Python version you have. For example, wheel ESCAPE-0.8.0.dev0-7598-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl is for 64 bit linux and Python version 3.5.

After downloading wheel run the following command in the shell, (use sudo under linux if necessary):

pip3 install -U /path/to/your/wheel_file.whl

This command will install a version with minimal dependencies. It is useful if you are going to use Python only. If you plan to use Jupyter notebooks, please run the following command after installation:

pip3 install -U /path/to/your/wheel_file.whl[jupyter]

This command will install extra dependencies.


In the case if you have error messages like “DLL load failed” when importing ESCAPE package in your python code under Windows, please install Visual Studio 2017 redistributable.