import escape as esc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from escape.utils.widgets import show
Loading material database from /home/dkor/Data/Development/workspace_escape/escape/python/src/escape/scattering/../data/mdb/materials.db
q = esc.var("Q")
SAXS. Form-factors. PolyCoreShell¶
Author: Denis Korolkov
Calculates the form factor for polydispersed spherical particles with a core-shell structure. The spherical particles have a polydisperse core with a constant shell thickness. The form factor is normalized by the average particle volume
Parameter | Variable | Value |
0 | Scale | 1.0 |
1 | Core Radius (Å) | 60.0 |
2 | Shell Thickness (Å) | 10.0 |
3 | Core Polydispersity (0-1) | 0.2 |
4 | Core SLD ($Å^{-2}$) | 1.0e-6 |
5 | Shell SLD ($Å^{-2}$) | 2.0e-6 |
6 | Solvent SLD ($Å^{-2}$) | 3.0e-6 |
7 | incoherent Background(cm^{-1}) | 0.000 |
Usage notes¶
Parameter[0] (scale) is correlated with the SLD's that describe the particle. No more than one of these parameters can be free during model fitting.
Parameter[3] (polydispersity) is constrained to keep it within its physical limits of (0,1).
The returned form factor is normalized by the average particle volume $\left<V\right>$:
and $z$ is the width parameter of the Schulz distribution,
The average particle diameter is 2*(Radius + shell thickness)
Bartlett, P.; Ottewill, R. H. J. Chem. Phys., 1992, 96, 3306.
#Definition of parameters
I0 = esc.par("Scale", 1, scale=1e8, fixed=True)
Rc = esc.par("Average Core Radius", 60, units=esc.angstr)
P = esc.par("Polydispersity", 0.2, units="", userlim=[0, 1])
S = esc.par("Shell thickness", 10, units=esc.angstr)
rho_c = esc.par("Core SLD", 1, scale=1e-6, units=f"{esc.angstr}⁻²")
rho_s = esc.par("Shell SLD", 2, scale=1e-6, units=f"{esc.angstr}⁻²")
rho_solv = esc.par("Solvent SLD", 3, scale=1e-6, units=f"{esc.angstr}⁻²")
bkgr = esc.par("Background", 0.0, userlim=[0, 0.03])
#Model equations
#integration parameter or actual particle radius
r= esc.par("Core radius", 60)
#distribution function
G=esc.schulz("G", r, Rc, P)
rs = r+S
Vc = 4/3 * np.pi*r**3
Vs = 4/3 * np.pi*rs**3
QRc = q*r
QRs = q*rs
jc = (esc.sin(QRc)-QRc*esc.cos(QRc))/QRc**3
js = (esc.sin(QRs)-QRs*esc.cos(QRs))/QRs**3
z = 1/P**2-1
Va = 4*np.pi/3*(z+3)*(z+2)/(z+1)**2*Rc**3
F = (3*Vc*(rho_c-rho_s)*jc+3*Vs*(rho_s-rho_solv)*js)**2
std = Rc*P
#integral from 0 to 10*std
I = I0/Va*esc.average(F, G, r, Rc, 0, 10*std, maxiter=100, epsrel=1e-8, epsabs=1e-8)+bkgr
show(I, coordinates=np.linspace(0.001, 0.7, 256), figtitle="PolyCoreShell",
xlog=True, ylog=True, xlabel=f"Q [{esc.angstr}1⁻¹]", ylabel="P(q)[cm⁻¹]")
#or using a special function to integrate with Schulz distribution
I = I0/Va*esc.average_schulz(F, P, r, Rc, maxiter=100, epsrel=1e-8, epsabs=1e-8, numstd=10)+bkgr
show(I, coordinates=np.linspace(0.001, 0.7, 256), figtitle="PolyCoreShell",
xlog=True, ylog=True, xlabel=f"Q [{angstroms_1}]", ylabel="P(q)[cm^-1]")
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[4], line 4 1 #or using a special function to integrate with Schulz distribution 2 I = I0/Va*esc.average_schulz(F, P, r, Rc, maxiter=100, epsrel=1e-8, epsabs=1e-8, numstd=10)+bkgr 3 show(I, coordinates=np.linspace(0.001, 0.7, 256), figtitle="PolyCoreShell", ----> 4 xlog=True, ylog=True, xlabel=f"Q [{angstroms_1}]", ylabel="P(q)[cm^-1]") NameError: name 'angstroms_1' is not defined