In [1]:
import escape as esc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from escape.utils.widgets import show
Loading material database from /home/dkor/Data/Development/workspace_escape/escape/python/src/escape/scattering/../data/mdb/materials.db
In [2]:
q = esc.var("Q")
SAXS. Form-factors. CoreShell¶
Author: Denis Korolkov
Calculates the form factor, $P(q)$, for a monodisperse spherical particle with a core-shell structure. The form factor is normalized by the total particle volume.
Parameter | Variable | Value |
0 | Scale | 1.0 |
1 | Core Radius (Å) | 60.0 |
2 | Shell Thickness (Å) | 10.0 |
3 | Core SLD ($Å^{-2}$) | 1.0e-6 |
4 | Shell SLD ($Å^{-2}$) | 2.0e-6 |
5 | Solvent SLD ($Å^{-2}$) | 3.0e-6 |
6 | incoherent Background(cm^{-1}) | 0.000 |
Usage notes¶
The function calculated is:
and equation 4
The returned value is scaled to units of $cm^{-1}$.
Parameter[0] (scale) and the SLD's are multiplicative factors in the model and are perfectly correlated. No more than one of these parameters can be free during the model fitting.
Guinier, A. and G. Fournet, "Small-Angle Scattering of X-Rays", John Wiley and Sons, New York, (1955).
In [3]:
#Definition of parameters
I0 = esc.par("Scale", 1, scale=1e8, fixed=True)
Rc = esc.par("Core Radius", 60, units=esc.angstr)
S = esc.par("Shell thickness", 10, units=esc.angstr)
rho_c = esc.par("Core SLD", 1, scale=1e-6, units=f"{esc.angstr}⁻²")
rho_s = esc.par("Shell SLD", 2, scale=1e-6, units=f"{esc.angstr}⁻²")
rho_solv = esc.par("Solvent SLD", 3, scale=1e-6, units=f"{esc.angstr}⁻²")
bkgr = esc.par("Background", 0.0, userlim=[0, 0.03])
#Model equations
Rs = Rc+S
Vc = 4/3 * np.pi*Rc**3
Vs = 4/3 * np.pi*Rs**3
QRc = q*Rc
QRs = q*Rs
jc = (esc.sin(QRc)-QRc*esc.cos(QRc))/QRc**3
js = (esc.sin(QRs)-QRs*esc.cos(QRs))/QRs**3
P = I0/Vs*(3*Vc*(rho_c-rho_s)*jc+3*Vs*(rho_s-rho_solv)*js)**2+bkgr
show(P, coordinates=np.linspace(0.001, 0.7, 256), figtitle="CoreShell",
xlog=True, ylog=True, xlabel=f"Q [{esc.angstr}⁻¹]", ylabel="P(q)[cm⁻¹]")
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